
来源: | 作者:gelaibo151013 | 发布时间: 2019-04-16 | 1580 次浏览 | 分享到:
格莱博商学院  深圳格莱博营销管理咨询有限公司

        今天格莱博两件大事,昨天郑慧芳老师佛山绝对出成交的半天线下课程(全新的课程和以往内容不同),课程刚发布,一天内就爆满300多人,如此好的课程,当然不能错过!报名通道关闭后,很多人还多次电话要求报名,我们只能被迫再加一场,想来参加佛山加场郑慧芳老师的朋友们 今天报不上名的,请立即报名4月30号的加场课程。







第二件大事,巴黎圣母院被大火烧成炼狱, 如何借事件跟进客户,增加客户粘度,今天Candy 老师亲自操刀 送上最应季新鲜出炉的客户跟进邮件,你只需改下你客户的名字和你的签名落款,就可以直接用上发走了。





        Candy 老师担心大家在课堂上还没Get 到点,所以亲手操刀给大家送上 以下这份超级有分量的客情跟进邮件,以下是邮件的全部内容,请大家复制用的同时,记得把Jack 和Candy换成你客户的名字和你的名字哦。

Dear Jack,
How are you? I would like to write you a special email today but no for business.

It should have a wonderful Holy week, but no more happy because the Notre Dame got a catastrophic fire on Monday.

"Notre Dame is our history, it's our literature, it's our imagery. It's the place where we live our greatest moments, from wars to pandemics to liberations," I agree French President Emmanuel Macron said!

When I saw the Live from the CNN and the news from all over the world. I feel so sad, I love Notre Dame, I am always planning one day I could go to feel and huge the greatest history French Icon “Notre Dame”, but so pity it is not as it was from Monday.

When I saw the crowds of residents and tourists hugged one another as the fire raged on Monday evening, some singing hymns. I keep slice and reflect a lot:

Sometimes we always busy for work, we often procrastinate something, such as we are always planning to travel somewhere, but when time is coming, we delay again and again because we think we still have time. When we would like to accompany our parents or kids from another city at the weekend, but we find excuse that I am so tired I want to sleep more, I would still have much time in future to be with our parents or kids.

When heard the news of Notre Dame got a catastrophic fire, there must be many people including me regret not visiting the Notre Dame before.

So, dear Jack, from now on, if we want to do something, just do it and not more hesitate and no more procrastinate.

Finally, I also hope that Notre Dame will be rebuilt soon and hope you still have a wonderful and special Holy Day!

Let us pray for the Notre Dame again and hope all best!

Best regards,

